While working at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, I was ordered by my supervisor, Rupshi Mitra, to kill dozens of animals for no reason and without anesthesia. I refused and reported the incident through appropriate channels. As a result, I was harassed and fired. To this day, nothing has been done to address illegal animal experiments at Nanyang Technological University.
Curious as to why Nanyang Technological University handled the situation the way they did, I looked at the research I was involved in as part of the Singapore Dementia Consortium. It appears that 14.5 million USD were allocated to Mitra and 15 other professors in the Singapore Dementia Consortium to do research on dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and they did not do research on dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It does not stop there. Looking into the work of co-authors of researchers in the Dementia Consortium, it seems similar patterns of misconduct are repeated. Here's the story...
Mohamed Helmy
10 Jurong Lake Link, #15-39
Singapore, 648131
26 March 2021