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Singapore Dementia Consortium misconduct including Mitra and Vyas


Misconduct by the Singapore Dementia Consortium, headed by George Augustine, is in Part I of this report. Part II is an analysis of the work output of Rupshi Mitra and Ajai Vyas at Nanyang Technological University.

Misconduct by Subra Suresh

Misconduct by Subra Suresh, president of Nanyang Technological University, Singagore.

Misconduct by Nitish V. Thakor, NUS and JHU

Misconduct in the research activity of Nitish Thakor, Director of SINAPSE, National University of Singapore, and Professor at Johns Hopkins University.

Human Frontier Science Program, Singapore grant recipients misconduct

In this report, research and academic misconduct by recipients of Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) grants in Singapore is described. The report was sent to HFSP and this is how it was investigated: HFSP asked Nanyang Technological University if there is any misconduct. NTU said no. HFSP said cool, case closed. For a full transcript of the correspondence with Guntram Bauer, Director of Science Policy & Communications, The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) click here.

Misconduct by Singapore researchers who were awarded an HFSP grant includes:

  • Ajai Vyas. This report details research and academic misconduct by Vyas as related to an HFSP grant he received, and did nothing declared in that grant.

  • HFSP grants awarded to other Singapore Dementia Consortium members implicated in misconduct and/or their co-authors, George Augustine, Ayumu Tashiro, and Hiroshi Makino.

  • Chwee Teck Lim, Archita Mishra, and others.

New president of NTU gags AI

The Zeroeth Law stands for Ho Tuck Hua, Me, and Irelynn.

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