Imperious Cowardly

Little Master Cook,
Sat on his book,
Eating his Lee Kong Cain.
He crawled up the crook,
Where the sun don't look,
And said: "Pleasing profit and gain!"
[1] On 8 February 2023, I sued Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine (ICL), in the King's Bench Division for violating UK law and not meeting her responsibility, and for lying to me in writing. Click here to download the Claim form and here to download the evidence.
[2] It appears that not only does the Singapore Supreme Court find inspiration from the UK High Court of Justice, but it also works the other way around. Namely, that Court does not mince its words and/or appears to be responding to something completely different. Click here to download Master Cook's Order.

[3] Because the bachelor of medicine and surgery awarded by Lee Kong Chian-Imperial College London School of Medicine is not recognised by the Register of Statutory and Regulatory Body Accreditations, 'School of Medicine' is misinformation.
[4] ICL is responsible for academic and research work at LKC under the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment 'The revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education' UKSCQA/02 March 2018
[5] Jon B Hancock, so-called ethics officer at ICL, lied about his and ICL's responsibility. In writing.
[6] Of course, all the other leadership and staff at ICL who received my email also have a responsibility, not only under UK law but also under the ICL Charter and Statutes 2007 and its Appendix, Ethics and 'Ethics Code', 'Relationship Review Policy', Policies and Procedures with Ethical Relevance, 'Responsibilities for Managing Joint Research Degrees', 'Quality Assurance and Standards when Developing, Managing and Reviewing Higher Education Provision with Others - Guidelines for Establishing and Reviewing Collaborative Provision', Academic governance including Regulation and Committees, Quality assurance and enhancement, and other related data.
There is no need to elaborate on what one may do with all that material.

[7] Frankly, I spent an afternoon and an evening researching UK CPR and so on. It took so long because of technical difficulties with the pdf. Nevertheless, I disagree with Master Cook, my Claim does come under the Overriding Objectives. If your only tool is hammer...I mean gavel...I mean know what I mean.
[8] Germans have an expression to describe obsequious behavior: to crawl into his a*se. Rest assured - his a*se can accommodate the lot, bench included.
[9] One may argue that it was foolish of me not to spend more time researching UK CPR and so on before making such an expensive (?) claim. However, Master Cook was abel to misspell a single word - and that made it worth every penny.

Little Master Cook,
Sat on his book,
Eating his Lee Kong Cain.
He crawled up the crook,
Where the sun don't look,
And said: "Pleasing profit and gain!"