At the
Small Claims Tribunals

After being defrauded at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Singapore, I did not leave Singapore right away.
OCBC had taken all the money in my bank account using a forged Authentic Court Order apparently generated by Timothy Ang (Rajah & Tann), Wilson Zhu (Rajah & Tann), and Eunice Chan Swee En (Singapore Supreme Court).
In the Small Claims Tribunals, the matter of SCT/16848/2021 [Mohamed Mustafa Mahmoud Helmy (Claimant); OCBC (Respondent)] the Singapore Judiciary ruled that OCBC does not have to scan the QR code of an Authentic Court Order before taking all the money in your bank account.
To the best of my knowledge, there are no documents filed in eLitigation in the matter of HC/S 413/2021 other than Writ of Summons. This means that CrimsonLogic took my money as if filing my documents into eLitigation. This may explain why Kenneth Wang Ye (Assistant Registrar, Special Assistant to the Chief of Justice Sundaresh Menon, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Singapore) struck out HC/S 413/2021 as if under the Rules of Court. Alternatively, struck out HC/S 413/2021 under the as if Rules of Court.
To the best of my knowledge, Nanyang Technological University are unrepresented in the matter of HC/S 413/2021 on eLitigation. I do not know what entity Timothy Ang and Wilson Zhu (Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP) may represent and have interests with.
Subsequently, I was told by Justice Jaswinder Kaur ‘the negligence of CrimsonLogic in the matter of HC/S 413/2021 may not be compensated for in the Small Claims Tribunals', Claim No. SCT/16899/2021 between MH as Claimant and CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (N.K.A) Singapore Network Services Pte Ltd (F.K.A.) as Respondent.
What next? Stay tuned.
Mohamed Helmy
Cairo, Monday 10 January 2022